Catalogue of the Fifth Annual Exhibition of the Australian Painter-Etchers Society [1925].
Education Department Gallery (6 July 1925 – 25 July 1925)
5th floor, Loftus St., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Airy, Anna. (1882–1964)
The Reader. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
Forerunners of Fruit. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
King Pippin. etching
Anderson, Stanley. (1884–1966)
Bush House from The Strand. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
St. Mary's Woolnoth Church. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
Covent Garden Market. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
St. George's, Hanover Square. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
The chess players. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
Demolition in Regent Street. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
Reid, D.G. (1862–1933)
* 22. The barn. £2.11.6 (unframed) | etching
* 23. Twilight. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
Anderson, Stanley. (1884–1966)
10. Trafalgar Square. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
11. Landlopers. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
12. The Chimera, Notre Dame (Paris). £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
Bêjot, Eugène. (1867–1931)
13. Dunkerque. £7.07.0 (unframed) | etching
Bentley, Alfred. (1879–1923)
14. Puisdenome. £6.06.0 (unframed) | etching
15. Rouen. £6.06.0 (unframed) | etching
Brangwyn, Frank. (1867–1956)
16. Street St. Cirq. £8.08.0 (unframed) | etching
Burridge, Fred. (1869–1945)
17. The Mill in the Wirral. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
18. The west wind. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
19. Ghagford Bridge. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
20. Traeth Bach. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
Crisp, James. (1879–1962)
21. The intruder [1]. £2.02.0 (unframed) | drypoint
22. Farm corner. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
23. The conspirators. £2.02.0 (unframed) | drypoint
24. A glimpse. £1.01.0 (unframed) | etching
25. Pencil Drawing for Conspirator. £3.03.0 (unframed) | pencil
Duff, J.R.K. (1862–1938)
26. King of The Castle. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
27. Noisy Neighbours. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
28. In Winter. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
29. Down to the Shearing. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
30. Too Much Rain. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
Emanuel, Frank. (1865–1948)
31. Midsummer Night. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
32. Little Hell Street, Dieppe. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
33. T'Auld Brig o' Ayr. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
Farmer, Helen. (1888–1970)
34. Fishing boats, Hobart. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
35. The derelict. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
36. The cowbail. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
37. The paddock gate. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
38. River boats. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
39. A Cobbitty Farm. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
40. From Observatory Hill. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
Friedensen, Thomas. (1879–1931)
41. The Up Country Farmer. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
42. 'Snowy'. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
43. Grand Canal, Venice. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
44. Horses and barn. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
45. Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire. £3.03.0 (unframed) | aquatint
46. Pastoral in the Burragorang. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
47. An old English shepherd. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
48. Lacey's Creek, Burragorang Valley, N.S.W. £3.03.0 (unframed) | aquatint
49. St. Paul's Cathedral, London. etching
50. Fruit Market, Havre. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
51. Dickens' Character. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
FULLWOOD, A.H. (1863–1930)
52. Riverview College, Lane Cove. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
53. Kuring-gai Chase. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
54. The picnic. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
55. Parliament Building, Sydney. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
56. Argyle Cut, Sydney. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
57. Manly Beach. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
58. Dawes Point, Sydney. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
59. Sydney Grammar School. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
60. Old church, Mulgoa. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
61. Chinaman's gardens, Rose Bay. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
62. Milson's Point, Sydney. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
63. Jerusalem Bay, Ku-Ring-Gai Chase, NSW. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
64. Solre le Chateau, Belgium. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
65. Wiseman's Ferry. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
Gaskell, Percival. (1868–1934)
66. The chalk pit on the Downs. £4.04.0 (unframed) | aquatint
67. Title unknown. etching
68. Crowland Abbey. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
69. Ploughing in Purbeck. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
Godson, John Barclay. (1882–1957)
70. Reflections. £1.01.0 (unframed) | etching
71. Entrance to The Harbour. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
72. An Early Doorway. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
73. The National Gallery of N.S.W. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
74. The Pig Gallows. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
75. Bushrangers' Hill, Newport. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
76. The Bend of the Road. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
77. Sydney University. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
GOODCHILD, John (1898–1980)
78. Desolation. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
79. The smithy. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
79a. Quiet afternoon, Port Adelaide. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
80. King William Street, Adelaide. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
Lee Hankey, William. (1869–1952)
81. The Drapery Market. £15.15.0 (unframed) | etching
Hardie, Martin. (1875–1952)
82. The Sleepy Ferry. £6.06.0 (unframed) | etching
83. Unloading the Barge. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
84. Evening in the fishing quarter. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
85. An Essex Boatyard. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
86. Sunset in Scotland. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
87. The Incoming Tide. £4.14.6 (unframed) | etching
LONG, Sydney (1871–1955)
88. Kookaburras. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
89. Lincoln £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
90. The river from Blackfriars Bridge £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
91. The old shot and powder works £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
92. Brisbane water £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
94. St. Albans £2.11.6 (unframed) | etching
95. The camp in the forest etching
96. Deserted. £2.11.6 (unframed) | etching
97. Fishing boats, Kings Lynn £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
98. The riverside £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
99. Turkeys and pumpkins £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
100. The Harbour. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
Morgan, Squire. (1886–1974)
101. Fagan's Cottage, Gosford. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
102. The prospector. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
103. At Palm Beach. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
104. On the road to Tambourine, Queensland. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
105. Summer heat £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
106. The lagoon, Dee Why £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
107. Landscape, Scone. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
108. Kangaroo Valley sketch. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
109. In Kangaroo Valley. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
MORT, Eirene (1879–1977)
110. Black Mountain, Canberra £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
111. Officers' Mess, Duntroon R.M.C. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
112. The King's School. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
OSBORNE, Malcolm (1880–1963)
113. Admiralty Arch. £7.07.0 (unframed) | etching
114. 'Cherrac'. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
115. St. Stephen's, Walbrook. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
116. Market Place, Tours. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
117. Chinon Castle. £4.14.6 (unframed) | etching
118. Fair fields of France. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
119. Arthur. £3.13.6 (unframed) | etching
120. Holyrood Palace. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
121. My mother. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
ROBERTSON, Bruce (1872–1943)
124. On the Lane Cove, Sydney Harbour. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
125. Rue de Mer Rouge, Algiers. £1.17.6 (unframed) | etching
126. Wreck of 'Collaroy', Collaroy Beach. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
127. Banksia, Collaroy. £1.17.6 (unframed) | etching
128. Trees of Balmoral. £1.01.0 (unframed) | etching
129. Australian sunrise. £3.10.0 (unframed) | etching
130. Belmont Lagoon, Lake Macquarie N.S.W.. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
131. Australian natives, Lake Macquarie, NSW. £1.17.6 (unframed) | etching
132. Government house from Gardens. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
ROBINS, W.P. (1882–1959)
133. The Moorland farm. etching
134. Islesworth. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
135. In Constable's Country. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
SHEPPERSON, Claude (1867–1921)
136. The beach. £15.15.0 (unframed) | etching
137. The Bather. £8.18.6 (unframed) | etching
SHIRLOW, John (1869–1936)
138. The Gate of the City. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
139. Doorway, Bank of Victoria, Melbourne. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
140. Bernard O'Dowd [2] £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
SHORT, Frank (1857–1945)
141. April Day in Kent. £8.08.0 (unframed) | etching
142. Raft of Lusitania. £8.08.0 (unframed) | etching
Soper, Eileen. (1905–1990)
143. Feeding the chickens. £5.05.0 (unframed) | etching
144. Practice. £4.04.0 (unframed) | etching
TRAILL, Jessie (1881–1967)
145. Bridge Building. £10.10.0 (unframed) | etching
146. Bridge Building, The Opening Night of July 8th. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
WALCOT, William (1874–1943)
148. The Froth. £15.15.0 (unframed) | etching
149. The Clyde. £15.15.0 (unframed) | etching
150. York Minster. £9.09.0 (unframed) | etching
151. Wooden Temple of Jupiter. £15.15.0 (unframed) | etching
152. Brooklyn Bridge. £14.14.0 (unframed) | etching
Walker, F. Sidney. (1888–1972)
153. The River Tweed. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
154. The bush track. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
155. Along the Murrumbidgee. £1.11.6 (unframed) | etching
156. Sydney. £1.01.0 (unframed) | etching
TRAILL, Jessie (1881–1967)
157. View from Temple Court, Collins St. Melbourne. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
Walker, F. Sidney. (1888–1972)
157. Newport Rocks. £1.01.0 (unframed) | etching
158. Morning. £1.01.0 (unframed) | etching
Warner, Alfred Edward. (1879–1968)
159. Interior Wool Shed. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
160. Loading Wool. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
161. Sydney University. £2.02.0 (unframed) | etching
162. Boundary Riders. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
GOODCHILD, John (1898–1980) and Warner, Alfred Edward. (1879–1968)
163. Sundown. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
Warner, Alfred Edward. (1879–1968)
164. The Camp. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
165. Politicians. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
166. Giddap. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
167. Prawners, Sydney Harbour. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching
168. The Silo. £2.12.6 (unframed) | etching
Whydale, Herbert. (1892–1968)
169. Dry Point. £3.03.0 (unframed) | etching