Browse: M

ARTISTS 1 – 20 of 2027 IMAGES ONLY

M & N. Hanhart.

(1830–1903) English | Organisation

Located: England. Lithographs


M B, Brisbane


Ceramic artist | Decorative / design artist

M. Ladd & Co.

(1880–) Australian | Organisation

Located: Australia (VIC).

Lithographer | Printmaker

M., R.

Worked: Australia (NSW).

Artist (painter) | Lithographer | Painter

M., T.

Worked: Australia (TAS). Prints after

Printmaker | Sketcher

M.A.P.S. Litho Pty Ltd.

(1982–) Australian | Organisation

Located: Australia (NSW).

Printer (lithographic)

Maas, Marise.

(1969–) Australian | Dutch | Female

Worked: Australia (TAS). Etchings

Artist (painter) | Printmaker

Maas, Marise


Worked: Australia

MAattinic, Penelope.

(1960–) Australian | Female

Worked: Australia (NSW). ?


Mabille, Theophilus.

(1866–) Aotearoa New Zealander | Male

Worked: Aotearoa New Zealand. prints after

Civil servant | Engineer | Printmaker | Sketcher

MABO, Sonja

Aboriginal Australian | Torres Strait Islander | Female

Worked: Australia


Macadam, John.

(1827–1865) Australian | Scottish | Male

Worked: Australia (VIC)

Chemist | Editor | Medical practitioner | Politician

Macadams, Cynthia.

(1939–) Armenian | Female

Worked: United States of America

Actor | Photographer

Macan, Pat.

(1975–) Aotearoa New Zealander | Australian

Worked: Australia (NSW).

Artist | Drawer

MacArdell, James.



MacArthur, Lexie.

Aotearoa New Zealander | Female

Student. Worked: Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand

MaCartney & Galbraith

(1852–1853) Australian | Organisation

Worked: Australia (VIC)

Printer | Publisher

Macartney, Frederick T. | MaCARTNEY, Frederick Thomas

(1887–1980) Australian | Male

Worked: Australia (VIC). Linocuts

Poet | Printmaker | Writer

Macbeth, Robert Walker. | MACBETH, R. W. | MCBETH [sic], R.W.

(1848–1910) Scottish | Male

Worked: England. Etchings

Artist (painter) | Artist (water-colouristist) | Printmaker