Interchange: A printmaking dialogue between Australia and Thailand.
Interchange: A printmaking dialogue between Australia and Thailand.
Multiple venues (19 November 2014 – 28 July 2015)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW, ACT), Thailand.
Ah Kee, Vernon.
(1967–) Aboriginal Australian | Male
Worked: Australia (QLD).
Drawer | Printmaker | Teacher
Alder, Alison.
(1958–) Australian | Female
Worked: Australia (ACT, NSW, VIC. NT). Screenprints
Artist (textile) | Decorative / design artist | Poster artist | Printer (editioning) | Printmaker
Bajracharya, Surya.
(2004–) Australian | Female
Worked: Australia (ACT)
Artist (installation) | Printmaker
BOT, G.W. | FALKLAND, Christine (née) | GRISHIN, Chrissy | GRISHIN, Christine
(1954–) Australian | Pakistani | Female
(married to Sascha GRISHIN) Worked: Australia (ACT). Relief Prints, Lithographs
Illustrator | Printmaker | Sculptor | Teacher
Cummings, Elizabeth.
(1934–) Australian | Female
Worked: Australia (NSW). Etchings, Lithographs
Art teacher | Artist (painter) | Drawer | Printmaker
HALL, Fiona
(1953–) Australian | Female
Worked: Australia (SA). Lithographs, 's books
Artist (installation) | Artist (painter) | Ceramic artist | Decorative / design artist | Drawer | Painter | Photographer | Printmaker | Sculptor
Hanks, Rew.
(1958–) Australian | Male
Worked: Australia (NSW). Lithographs, wood-engravings
Printer (editioning) | Printmaker
Haynes, Nicci.
(1962–) Australian | Female
Worked: Australia (ACT).
Book artist (book arts) | Drawer | Printmaker
KEMPSON, Michael
(1961–) Australian | Male
Worked: Australia (NSW). Etchings
Artist (painter) | Drawer | Painter | Printmaker | Teacher
LOANE, John | LOANE, John David Duncan
(1950–) Australian | Male
Worked: Australia (VIC). Etchings, Lithographs
Gallery director | Printer | Printmaker | Publisher
Macleod, Euan.
(1956–) Aotearoa New Zealander | Australian | Male
Worked: Australia (NSW).
Artist (painter) | Drawer | Printmaker
Payne, Patsy. | PAYNE, Patricia
(1955–) Australian | English | Female
Worked: Australia (NSW, ACT). Etchings, Screenprints, Wood-engravings, Digital images
Drawer | Printmaker
Pratt, John.
(1952–) Australian | Male
Worked: Australia (ACT). Woodcuts, Etching
Printmaker | Teacher
Rak, Ben.
(1978–) American | Australian | Male
Worked: United States, Australia (NSW, ACT).
Art curator | Art teacher | Printmaker
Slater, Bernie.
(1977–) Australian | Male
Worked: Australia (ACT). Linocuts
Book artist (book arts) | Printmaker