Jilamarra - 4 blocks of solid 'spot' with lines radiating to the top infill of dots between the lines

Artist: b'Kantilla, Kitty. (Kutuwalumi Purawarrumpatu).' | Title: bJilamarra - 4 blocks of solid 'spot' with lines radiating to the top infill of dots between the lines | Date: 1997, November | Technique: b'etching, printed in colour, from multiple zinc plates'

Primary Artist

Kitty. (Kutuwalumi Purawarrumpatu). Kantilla (1928–2003)

Country of context



Jilamarra - 4 blocks of solid 'spot' with lines radiating to the top infill of dots between the lines

Date made

1997 – 1997, November


etching, printed in colour, from multiple zinc plates