The Australian Picture pleasure book, illustrating the scenery, architecture historical events, natural history, public characters, Etc., of Australia. Engraved, selected, and arranged by Walter G. Mason.

Artist: Mason, Walter George. | Title: The Australian Picture pleasure book, illustrating the scenery, architecture historical events, natural history, public characters, Etc., of Australia. Engraved, selected, and arranged by Walter G. Mason. | Date: 1857 | Technique: woodengravings, printed in black ink, each from one block; letterpress text

Primary Artist

Walter George Mason (1820–1866)

Country of context



The Australian Picture pleasure book, illustrating the scenery, architecture historical events, natural history, public characters, Etc., of Australia. Engraved, selected, and arranged by Walter G. Mason.

Date made



woodengravings, printed in black ink, each from one block; letterpress text