Triangular Scarf, "Eastern Temples".

Ann Gillmore Rees (1900–1982)

Triangular Scarf, "Eastern Temples".

EXHIBITION HISTORY 1 – 1 of 1 exhibitions

Society of Arts and Crafts of N.S.W. Annual Exhibition


Education Department Gallery (1937 – 1937)
5th floor, Loftus St., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Stephens, Ethel. (1886–1944)

1. Linocut, 'Blue Orchids'. £1.11. (Framed)

Palmer, Ethleen. (1906–1958)

14. Old Coach. £3.03.0 (Framed)

Rees, Ann Gillmore. (1900–1982)

Farleigh, John. (1900–1965)

28. Milk Thistle. £3.03.0

29. The Boy David. £3.03.0

31. Hemlock. £3.10.0

32. The Black girl. £3.10.0

33. Birch Trees. £2.02.0

Gill, Eric. (1882–1940)

CHEYNE, Ian (1895–1955)

ROYDS, Mabel (1874–1941)

Brien, Stanislaus. (1937–)

URUSHIBARA, Yoshijiro (1888–1953)

Morton, C. & C. (1911–)