The Garden of Bomarzi.
Franz Kempf - Paintings
Nundah Gallery (1 December 1966 – 11 December 1966)
4 MacArthur Ave., O'Connor, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Kempf, Franz. (1926–2020)
1. Autumn Song II. $40 (Framed) $36 (Unframed)
2. Genesis. $45 (Framed); $40 (Unframed)
3. The Dark Changes. $45 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
4. Song of Esther $50 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
5. Dreamtime. $35 (Framed) $30 (Unframed)
6. Cabalist. $25 (Framed) $20 (Unframed)
7. The Garden of Bomarzi. $45 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
8. Pastoral Poem in Red. $50 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
9. Herridic Legend. 'Blessing of the Moon'. $40 (unframed); $45 (framed)
10. Figuration. $36 (Framed) | serigraph
11. The Kabbalist. $50 (Framed) | proof 1 only | aquatint
12. Black landscape. $45 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
13. Traumst ck II. aquatint (one only) -;. $50 (Framed)
14. The Work of Gog. $50 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
15. The Golem of Prague. $50 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
16. The Hassid's Prayer. $45 (Framed) $40 (Unframed)
Franz Kempf
White Studio Exhibition Gallery. (14 March 1967 – 1967)
The Common, Beaumont, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Kempf, Franz. (1926–2020)
20. Dreamtime. $35
21. Hassidic legend. $40
22. The Song of Esther. $50
23. The Garden of Bomarzi. $50
24. Traumstueck. $50 | edition of 11
25. The Kabbalists. $30
26. The Hassids Prayer. $50
27. Daylights darkening. $40
28. Autumn Song. $40
29. The Golom of Prague. $50
30. The Wars of Gog. $50
31. Pastoral Poem in Red. $50