John Hawksworth L.L.D., one of the editors of Cook's First Voyage and Captain James King LLD. FRS., Captain Cook's Coadjutor in his third and last voyage


John Hawksworth L.L.D., one of the editors of Cook's First Voyage and Captain James King LLD. FRS., Captain Cook's Coadjutor in his third and last voyage

Date made

1778 – c.1780



Print type



engraving, printed in black ink, from one copper plate

Text printed from matrix

Printed upper centre above image, 'Published by Alexr. Hogg at the kings Arms, No 16 Paternoster Row.' Printed lower centre below image, 'Thornton sculp.'. Printed lower left below image, 'JOHN HAWKSWORTH, L.L.D. /One of the Editors of Cook's First Voyage'. Printed lower right below image, 'Captain JAMES KING, LLD. FRS. / Captain Cook's Coadjutor in his Third and Last Voyage'.

Edition information

print run unknown

Subject description

Shows head and shoulder portraits of Hawksworth and King inside adjacent oval panels. The Hawkesworth portrait maybe loosely based on Sir Joshua Reynolds' portrait (reversed). The James King portrait may be loosely based on a portrait attributed to John Webber. [Alexander Turnbull Library]

Legacy id


Last Updated

08 Jan 2013



published state


undesignated impression as issued

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