Not titled [two figures with green line in centre].
![Artist: b'RENNIE, Marian' | Title: b'Not titled [two figures with green line in centre].' | Date: 1995 | Technique: b'screenprint, printed in colour, from five stencils' Artist: b'RENNIE, Marian' | Title: b'Not titled [two figures with green line in centre].' | Date: 1995 | Technique: b'screenprint, printed in colour, from five stencils'](/media/cache/2a/ee/2aee1c929d805ac527dae893f5c4bc32.jpg)
Primary Artist
Not titled [two figures with green line in centre].
Date made
screenprint, printed in colour, from five stencils
Not titled [two figures with green line in centre].
screenprint, printed in colour, from five stencils