Interior, Bewick Inn [recto]
![Artist: b'MACQUEEN, Mary' | Title: b'Interior, Bewick Inn [recto]' | Date: 1957 | Technique: b'lithograph, printed in black ink, from one plate' | Copyright: b'Courtesy Paulette Calhoun, for the estate of Mary Macqueen' Artist: b'MACQUEEN, Mary' | Title: b'Interior, Bewick Inn [recto]' | Date: 1957 | Technique: b'lithograph, printed in black ink, from one plate' | Copyright: b'Courtesy Paulette Calhoun, for the estate of Mary Macqueen'](/media/cache/b4/6d/b46d015ee2bb6d782934ea3f56617461.jpg)
Primary Artist
Mary Macqueen (1912–1994)
Country of context
Date made
lithograph, printed in black ink, from one plate
Courtesy Paulette Calhoun, for the estate of Mary Macqueen