Coloni del Fiume Cigno [Colonists of the Swan River]. Indigeni del paese Vandieme vicino alla Colonia Inglese [Natives of Van Diemen's Land, near the English colony].
![Artist: b'Antonelli, Giuseppe.' | Title: bColoni del Fiume Cigno [Colonists of the Swan River]. Indigeni del paese Vandieme vicino alla Colonia Inglese [Natives of Van Diemen's Land, near the English colony]. | Date: 1841 | Technique: b'lithograph, printed in black ink, from two stones' Artist: b'Antonelli, Giuseppe.' | Title: bColoni del Fiume Cigno [Colonists of the Swan River]. Indigeni del paese Vandieme vicino alla Colonia Inglese [Natives of Van Diemen's Land, near the English colony]. | Date: 1841 | Technique: b'lithograph, printed in black ink, from two stones'](/media/cache/1d/54/1d54ca1c335647b91876120b0199d684.jpg)
Primary Artist
Giuseppe Antonelli (1841–)
Date made
lithograph, printed in black ink, from two stones