Indigeni di Nuova Olanda [Natives of New Holland]. Selvaggio che costruisce corbe [Savage making baskets].
![Artist: b'Antonelli, Giuseppe.' | Title: b'Indigeni di Nuova Olanda [Natives of New Holland]. Selvaggio che costruisce corbe [Savage making baskets].' | Date: 1841 | Technique: b'lithograph, printed in black ink, from two stones' Artist: b'Antonelli, Giuseppe.' | Title: b'Indigeni di Nuova Olanda [Natives of New Holland]. Selvaggio che costruisce corbe [Savage making baskets].' | Date: 1841 | Technique: b'lithograph, printed in black ink, from two stones'](/media/cache/05/44/054469d451f469c00417dd270ee80a6e.jpg)
Primary Artist
Giuseppe Antonelli (1841–)
Date made
lithograph, printed in black ink, from two stones
Giuseppe Antonelli (1841–)
lithograph, printed in black ink, from two stones