West Melbourne street scene.

Nutter Buzacott (1905–1976)

West Melbourne street scene.



EXHIBITION HISTORY 1 – 1 of 1 exhibitions

Sixteenth annual Contemporary Group exhibition.


Blaxland Galleries. [1]. (1 July 1941 – 12 July 1941)
8th & 9th floor, George St., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.


Rees, Ann Gillmore. (1900–1982)

94. Danish Sausages. Un1 gn (Unframed)

95. Chinese interlude Un1 gn (Unframed)

96. S.S. 'Ariguani'. Un1 gn (Unframed)

Allan, Ailsa [1]. (1899–1943)

99. Bush Path. Un1½ gns (Unframed)

100. The model. Un2 gns (Unframed)

Buzacott, Nutter. (1905–1977)

110. West Melbourne street scene. Un1 gn (Unframed)