Interior, native hut.
Exhibition of Prints.
Modern Art Centre (3 August 1933 – 1933)
56 Margaret St., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Alsop, Edith. (1871–1958)
1. Women of Tivoli. £1.01.0 | colour print
2. Old fishermen, Brixham. £1.01.0 | wood-engraving
Black, Dorrit. (1891–1951)
3. Old church, Veere. £1.11.6 | colour print
4 Footballers. £1.01.1 | colour print
5. Hillside. £0.15.6 | linocut
6. Gum trees. Not for sale
Cox, Roy. (1903–1976)
7. Design. £1.11.6 | lithograph
Dash, Florence. (1930–)
8. The ballet. £0.15.6 | linocut
9. Bookplate. Not for sale
Digby, Jessie. (1920–)
10. The circus. £1.01.1 | linocut
11. Fantails. £0.16.6 | linocut
Gibbons, Gladys. (1903–1969)
12. Composition. £1.01.0 | linocut
13. Still life. £0.10.6 | linocut
Huntley, Isabel. (1900–1982)
14. Three graces. £0.10.6 | linocut
Knowles, Rica. (1930–)
15. Native village, Suva. £0.10.6 | linocut
16. Interior, native hut. £0.15.6 | linocut
17. Mitchell River blacks. £0.15.6 | linocut
Irvine, Ysobel. (1906–1980)
18. Back yards. £0.15.6 | linocut
South, Kitty. (1930–)
19. Interior. £0.15.6 | linocut
Spowers, Ethel. (1890–1947)
20. The lonely farm £1.11.6 | colour print
Syme, Eveline (1888–1961)
21. The factory. £1.01.0 | colour print
22. The Lily Tower, Siena £1.01.1 | colour print
Thake, Eric. (1904–1982)
24. 'The Bird of Heaven'. £1.01.0 | linocut
25. 'The Flukes'. £1.01.1 | linocut
26. 'There she blows! She blows!'. £1.01.1 | linocut
27. 'The Coffin Lifebuoy'. £1.01.1 | linocut