
Adrian Feint (1894–1971)


EXHIBITION HISTORY 1 – 1 of 1 exhibitions

Society of Artists Annual Exhibition [1927]


Education Department Gallery (10 September 1927 – 3 October 1927)
5th floor, Loftus St., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


van RAALTE, Henri (1881–1929)

44. The road. 6 gns

URE SMITH, Sydney (1887–1949)

FEINT, Adrian (1894–1971)

53. Circe. 2½ gns

56. Bookplates. Not For Sale

URE SMITH, Sydney (1887–1949)

Ainsworth, Ruth. (1900–2004)

61. The Merry-go-round. 1 gn. | linocut

Rushbury, Henry. (1889–1968)

62. The little iron foundry. lent by Basil Burdett | drypoint

Brockhurst, Gerald. (1890–1978)

63. Les deux Landoises. kindly lent by Saul Symonds, Esq.

Rushbury, Henry. (1889–1968)

64. Carceri, San Gimignano. Kindly lent by Saul Symonds, Esq.

Proctor, Thea. (1879–1966)

65. Souvenirs 2 gns. | coloured woodcut

Brockhurst, Gerald. (1890–1978)

Gibbons, Gladys. (1903–1969)

Brockhurst, Gerald. (1890–1978)

Rushbury, Henry. (1889–1968)

69. Fellmongers. Kindly lent.