Woolpack Inn, Parramatta.

Geoffrey Ingleton (1908–1998)

Woolpack Inn, Parramatta.

EXHIBITION HISTORY 1 – 1 of 1 exhibitions

Australian Academy of Arts, Third Annual Exhibition [1940]


Venue Unknown (1 March 1940 – 1 April 1940)
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Cobb, Victor. (1876–1945)

4. Old Red Gum, Yan Yean. Un3 gns (Unframed)

Scott-Williams, P. (1932–)

5. An old pensioner's hut. Un2 gns (Unframed)

Ingleton, Geoffrey. (1908–1998)

7. Woolpack Inn, Parramatta. Un2½ gns (Unframed)

LINDSAY, Lionel (1874–1961)

11. The arbour 3 gns (Unframed)

Cobb, Victor. (1876–1945)

15. Two Poplars. 3 gns

Scott-Williams, P. (1932–)

16. Old farm buildings. Un2 gns (Unframed)