not titled I [vertical columns of scribbled lines and straight lines]

Artist: b'Kantilla, Kitty. (Kutuwalumi Purawarrumpatu).' | Title: b'not titled I [vertical columns of scribbled lines and straight lines]' | Date: 2001, February - March | Technique: b'etching, printed in black, from one plate' | Copyright: b'\xc2\xa9 Kitty Kantilla and Jilamara Arts + Craft'

Primary Artist

Kitty. (Kutuwalumi Purawarrumpatu). Kantilla (1928–2003)

Country of context



not titled I [vertical columns of scribbled lines and straight lines]

Work number

Australian Print Workshop (1981-), 1103

Date made

2001 – 2001, February - March


etching, printed in black, from one plate


© Kitty Kantilla and Jilamara Arts + Craft