William Wilson, Engraver, &c.
William Wilson, Engraver, &c.
Wilson, WilliamSource
Colonist: A Weekly Journal of Politics, Commerce, Agriculture, Literature, Science, and Religion, for the Colony of New South Wales (Sydney), 1835 - 1840.Details
8 January 1835, p.7, col.4Publication date
8 January 1835Type
EnglishCountry of context
Full text
RETURNS his sincere thanks to his patrons for their liberal encouragement since his arrival in the Colony, and hopes that his assiduity in business may insure the continuance of their favors - wishes to become a little more acquainted with those who have not yet favoured him with their orders, and begs to inform the public generally, that the following are executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH.
Card, invoice and copper-plates of every description; door and harness plates; coats of arms; crests and cyphers on plate, ivory, &c., gun locks, steel punches and dies; official seals and stamps; book binder's tools; small models for fine casting; crests and raised letters for carriage harness, &c.; wood cuts for embellishing letter-press; plates for marking wool bags, &c.; motto rings; watch and clock dials, bright cutting; GOLD AND SILVER, CHASING; - COPPER-PLATE PRINTING, &c. &c.- Undertakers' Invitation Cards.
A constant supply of Bills of lading, Exchange, Promissory Notes and Receipts, by the book, set or any number required. Also, Prisoners' Passes, &c. &c. always on sale.
[The Colonist (Sydney), 8 January 1835, p.7, col.4.]
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