Art Exhibition [at Margaret McLeans rooms.]
Art Exhibition [at Margaret McLeans rooms.]
Author not identifiedSource
Argus (Melbourne).Details
2 December 1920, p.9, col.4.Publication date
2 December 1920Abbreviation
no artistsType
Exhibition review
EnglishCountry of context
Full text
There is at present on view at Miss Margaret McLean's rooms, 125 Collins street, a representative collection of works of art by various well known artists. Paintings in oil and water-colour etchings and drawings are included. Amongst the oil paintings, Mr. Arthur Streeton's skilled craftsmanship is seen in the vigorously painted "Rouen Cathedral," Mr. W. D. Knox shows an Alphington sketch, entitled "A Spring Day;" and "Waterloo Bridge, Chelsea," by Mr. Charles Wheeler, attracts attention by reason of its pleasing colour scheme of gold and grey. A well-painted still life, by Mr. Cornchls is noticed, and a painting of horses in a stable, a commendable breakaway from landscape and portraiture, is shown by Miss Violet Teague. The most important water colour in point of size is by Mr. Daryl Lindsay, and represents portion of the Mount Lyell works. This drawing shows considerable advance on any work the artist has shown before, and is freely washed in and agreeable in colour scheme. Other artists whose work in this medium is noticeable are Mr. Harold Herbert, Mr. George Benson, Mr Frank Crozier, and Miss Jessie Traill, the Sydney artist, Mr. B.E. Minns, contributing a clever study of an aborigine's head. Several decorative drawings are shown, Miss Ethel Spowers being represented by "Conrad and the Goose Girl," Miss Joyce Dennys, Miss Jackson Morris, and Miss Marguerite Callaway being also responsible for work of a similar character, in which line and colour are combined. In etching, Mr. Lionel Lindsay is well to the fore with some excellent prints that go to prove his skill in this medium. A contrast in size of plate is shown by Miss Hope, a pupil of Brangwyns, in some very large proofs in the master's manner. Mr. Victor Cobb. Miss Jessie Traill, and Mr. Daryl Lindsay also show some interesting work in this section
[The Argus (Melbourne), 2 December 1920, p.9, col.4.]
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