William & Uther [paints]
William & Uther [paints]
William & UtherSource
Sydney Herald (Sydney)Details
9 May 1833, p.4, col.4.Publication date
9 May 1833Type
EnglishCountry of context
Full text
HAVING now completed the arrangement of their Stores and Show Rooms, beg to solicit their Friends and the Public to view them, feeling satisfied their assortment of Articles is the choicest and most extensive in the Colony.
W. and U. embrace the present opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal support they have experienced since their commencement in business, and they trust, by assiduity and moderation, to merit a continuance of public favour. They are, in addition, now landing from the Regent, Gulnare, and Caroline, as follows:
Also the undermentioned Paints.
Purbeck slab, 36x10, with mullers
Stone blue
Body varnish
Mastic ditto
White hard ditto for pictures
Black japan
Japan gold size
Twenty-four pint glasses with stoppers
Venice turpentine
Varnish for boat bottoms
Mineral green
Sugar of lead
Oil gold size
Burnishing size
Prepared double size
Carriage varnish
Turkey umber
Blue black
Venetian red
Spanish brown
Lump red for sheep marking
Purple brown
Yellow ochre
Ditto excellent
English pink
Dutch ditto
Damp blue
Spruce ochre
Oxford ochre
English umber
Chrome yellow, three shades
Pumice stone
Indian red
Burnt Turkey umber
East India indigo
Fine gamboges
Gum acacia, Arabic, mastic, sandric, copal
Sal ammoniac
Roman vitriol
Prussian blue of several kinds
Frost's assorted colours
Pale patent yellow
Smalts of three kinds
Snake stone for carpenters mid curriers
Oxford stone ochre
Gold leaf
Scarlet lake
Crimson and purple ditto
French ochre
Red lead
Litharge plain and fine powder
Vandyke brown
White copperas
Orange lead
Nottingham white lead
Venetian red paint
Raw Terra de Sienna
Burnt ditto ditto
Vermillion, English and Chinese
Gold Bronze
Bladders of assorted colours for artists
Prepared lake in fine powder
Green paint, in tins, pale and dark
Olympic green, calcined
Black lead in papers
Lump ditto for carpenter
Fuller's earth
Lamp black
Ivory black
Chamois leather
Smyrna bees wax
Diamonds, pencil and ploughs
Sable writing pencils
Camel hair ditto
Picking out sable ditto
Camel hair tips
Tinting brushes
Hair grainers ditto
Graining badger tools
French varnish tools
Dusters and ground brushes
Naples, Patent, and King's yellow
Sash tools
Quills tools
Horn grainers
Flat badgers, in tin
Flat camel hair tinned
Round camel hair tool for gilders and artists
Unground distemper brushes
Turpentine, &c. &c. &c.
[Sydney Herald, 9 May 1833, p.4, col.4.]
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