To the lovers of fine arts. - A visit to the studio of Mr. Conway Hart...

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To the lovers of fine arts. - A visit to the studio of Mr. Conway Hart...


Hobart Town Courier.


Hobart Town Courier (Hobart)


19 June 1855, page 2, column 6.

Publication date

19 June 1855





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To THE Lovers OF THE FINE ARTS.- A visit to the studio of Mr. Conway Hart, in Liverpool street, will repay the lover of the fine arts The portraits (all in oil) which the academician has taken in this colony are remarkable for their fidelity of representation. Among the most triumphant of his efforts are the portraits of Mrs. Chapman, the lady of the Member for the city, and Mrs. Allport. The portraits of John Roberts, of Mr. Allport, of Mr. Matson, and of Mr. Isaac Bisdee are faithful to the life, and the talents of the artist have been brought admirably to bear upon the task which has devolved upon him. In "Mrs. Hart and baby" the inspiration of the artist has been palpably increased by the sentiment of the father; it is seldom a picture is seen so warm and intellectual in its expression. We trust the transcendent merits of Mr. Hart will be appreciated as they ought in this city.

[The Courier (Hobart), 19 June 1855, p.2, col.6.]

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