The late John Sands.

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The late John Sands.


Sydney Morning Herald.


Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney) 18 April 1831 - ongoing


18 August 1873, p.4, col.5.

Publication date

18 August 1873





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Full text

THE LATE MR. JOHN SANDS. - Mr. Sands, and old and much esteemed colonist, died on Saturday morning at last, at his residence, Marmion, Waverley. The deceased came to this colony from England in 1839, and by his energy and enterprise attained to a leading position as a man of business in this city. In 1853 he started a large and successful branch establishment in Melbourne in connection with the late Mr. Kenny, and which for some years past has been carried on by Messrs. Sands and McDougall. The late Mr. John Sands was also connected with the firm of Messrs. R. Sands and Sons, of London. The printing, stationery, bookbinding, and account book manufacturing business established by Mr. Sands in Sydney affords employment to upwards of seventy persons, and was always conducted by the deceased in such a manner as to cause him to be very generally respected. In early life Mr. Sands achieved considerable distinction as an engraver, and some of his work is to be found in the most celebrated illustrated books of the time. His death will cause sorrow beyond the circle of his own family, for he was a man of unostentatious and large-hearted benevolence.

[Sydney Morning Herald, 18 August 1873, p.4, col.5.]

Last Updated

14 Jan 2021