The Fine Arts. - We have been favoured [with proofs of four whaling prints by W.Duke to be published by R.V. Hood.]

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The Fine Arts. - We have been favoured [with proofs of four whaling prints by W.Duke to be published by R.V. Hood.]


The Courier


The Courier (Hobart), 13 September 1848, p.2, col.4.

Publication date

13 September 1848


Publication Review



Country of context


Full text

THE FINE ARTS. - We have been favoured with the proofs of four of a series of lithographic sketches intended to be published by R V. Hood, designed and drawn on stone by W. Duke, illustrative of the South Sea whale fishery. The first of these views reptesents the exciting "chase;" the others, the "rounding," the "flurry," and the "cutting in." The choice of subject being so intimately connected with Van Diemen's Land enterprise, will command a steady sale, and afford fresh encouragement to the persevering artist.

[The Courier (Hobart), 13 September 1848, p.2, col.4.]

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05 Feb 2021