We have the satisfaction to inform our Readers that the Printing Press [of the Sydney Gazette has been repaired.]

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We have the satisfaction to inform our Readers that the Printing Press [of the Sydney Gazette has been repaired.]


Sydney Gazette.


Sydney Gazette (Sydney)


3 November 1810, page 2, column 1.

Publication date

3 November 1810





Country of context


Full text

We have the satisfaction to inform our Readers that the Printing Press has received as perfect a repair as could be here obtained, and that we have to congratulate ourselves upon the prospect of its preservation until it shall be replaced with a new one of convenient size, for which it has been the pleasure of HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR in CHIEF to transmit an application to HIS MAJESTYS MINISTERS by the Atalanta. The repair of the present Press having occupied the whole of the week, the publication of this week’s Paper has suffered some little delay, in consequence of which we miss the Parramatta Boat: but the cause of these interruptions being radically removed, a regular time of publication will in future be observed.

[Sydney Gazette, 3 November 1810, p.2, col.1.]

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27 Oct 2023