Art printing

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Art printing


Author not identified


Sydney Quarterly Magazine (Sydney)


June 1886

Publication date

June 1886





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Art Printing – Though not related to literature, is becoming so important that we are glad to see and give an account to some excellent works, which we saw while passing through Bridge-street. A poster printed by W. E. Smith for the messageries Mara times, representing the steamship Oceania, one of their line. WE are all familiar with the well known poster of the Orient Company, we can only say that Mr. Smith threatens to out rival the printer who produced it. As a specimen of colonial work it is unequalled.

There is some other work equally novel and good at the same place. At Messrs. Turner and Henderson’s and at the Sands and Co.’s there is also some new work in printing, engraving and photography so good as to justify a remark from an experienced hand just arrived here from England that we can now produce as good work here as anywhere.

[The Sydney Quarterly Magazine, June 1886.]


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13 Aug 2012