The Wellington Falls [lithographed in colour by J.S. Prout.].

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The Wellington Falls [lithographed in colour by J.S. Prout.].


Hobart Town Courier.


Hobart Town Courier (Hobart)


17 April 1845, page 2, column 4.

Publication date

17 April 1845


Publication Review



Country of context


Full text

The Wellington Falls – We beg to acknowledge the receipt of a lithographed view in colours, from a drawing by Mr. Prout, of this interesting and attractive locality. It is difficult to convey by any effort of art a correct impression of the wild, yet sublime, grandeur of the scenery which the ‘falls’ present. Mr. Prout’s clever delineation will possess considerable interest to those who have already visited them, as well as those who have that gratification still in reserve. We believe this is the first attempt in this colony to lithograph in colours, and such the effort is entitled to no small commendation. While upon the subject, we are glad to be able to intimate to the public that the proposed new route to the falls will be commenced next week, and proceeded with as far as the amount already subscribed will admit. Before that is exhausted, we trust that sufficient will be raised to complete the undertaking, and thus to open at all seasons, but especially during the spring months, the magnificence of the ‘falls’ at a period when they will be viewed to the greatest advantage.

[Hobart Town Courier, 17 April 1845, p.2, col.4.]

Last Updated

27 Oct 2023