The Mackay Standard [with lithographed illustrations].
The Mackay Standard [with lithographed illustrations].
Author not identifiedSource
Brisbane Courier (Brisbane).Details
24 December 1883, page 5, column 6.Publication date
24 December 1883Type
Publication Review
EnglishCountry of context
Full text
The Mackay Standard has evidently made a very special effort in the matter of a Christmas supplement. The result is a neat little paper of twenty-four pages of the size now common with weekly newspapers. Ono half the space is occupied with lithographed views of the principal buildings in Mackay, scenes on the plantations, and two original sketches from the South Sea Island trade, supplied by Captain Wawn. The lithographing was executed by Messrs. Warwick and Sapsford, of Brisbane, and as the views of local scenery are from photographs they must be regarded as reliable, though the picture of Paxton's wharf and store; does not by any means bear out the complaints of Mackay people about the want of harbor improvement. Of the letterpress, printed at the Standard office, it may be said without more than a brief examination that it is exceedingly well got up, and contains a local story and a good deal of interesting matter connected with the town and district.
[The Brisbane Courier, 24 December 1883, p.5, col.6.]
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07 Nov 2021