New Zealand portraits. [Lithographs of Johnny Heki, his wife, and Kawiti, from the design of J.J. Merrett]

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New Zealand portraits. [Lithographs of Johnny Heki, his wife, and Kawiti, from the design of J.J. Merrett]


Author not identified


Maitland Mercury (Maitland, NSW)


29 July 1846, p.2, col.3

Publication date

29 July 1846


Publication Review



Countries of context

Aotearoa New Zealand | Australia

Full text

New Zealand Portraits.-We have to notice the very excellent lithographed portraits, Johnny Heki, his wife, and Kawiti, from the design of J.J. Merrett, Esq. The production is decidedly one of the best lithographs we have seen in the colony; and as to the artificial portion of the work, though we cannot speak as to the correctness of the likenesses, yet, as a work of taste, we must say that the figures of Heki and his wife are well grouped. Heki holds the chief place, and his tall and commanding figure, and noble and expressive countenance, are well worthy of the hero of a more civilized nation. The attitude of Heki's wife, is tender and well designed, and her face and figure pleasing in the extreme. The two figures throw poor Kawiti in the background, who evidently seems much cut up at the circumstance. The attitude and countenance of the old chief are exceedingly tame, the whole skill of the artist having been exerted on his chief figure, Heki.

[The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser, 29 July 1846, p.2, col.3].

Last Updated

13 Aug 2012