The Western or Boundary Lake, Van Diemen's Land. [by Joseph Lycett].

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The Western or Boundary Lake, Van Diemen's Land. [by Joseph Lycett].


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The Western or Boundary Lake, Van Diemen's Land.

THIS Lake is situated between fifty and sixty miles in a direct line to the north of HOBART TOWN, and about sixteen miles to the left of the road to PORT DALRYMPLE. The approach to the Lake is over a mountainous and barren part of the country, although in some places the land is good, and might be very soon brought into cultivation.

There is a small River, called the LAKE RIVER, which runs from the WESTERN, or BOUNDARY LAKE, and empties itself into the MAC­QUARIE RIVER, at a distance of about twenty miles from its source.

This part of the Island is in general high land, and the Lake is situated on the summit of a ridge of mountains, which are covered with a small rough scrubby brush, and here and there with timber, of the Eucalyptus species, but of small size. A great portion of the country near the Lake is rocky; but the land forming its margin is very good.

Travelling to this Lake is rendered still more difficult and unpleasant by the remarkably steep declivity of several of the Hills, the sides as well as summits of which are very swampy.

When, however, the traveller has overcome these difficulties, and finds himself upon the margin of the Lake, he will acknowledge that he is amply repaid for all his toils by the beautiful and romantic scenes before him.

Accompanying text, 1825.

Last Updated

22 Sep 2020