Cyclists near Corio Bay. [by Alan Sumner].

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Cyclists near Corio Bay. [by Alan Sumner].


Sumner, Alan.


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Cyclists near Corio Bay.

The original painting was in oils. My wife Doris and I had ranged up and down the coast near Geelong looking for a suitable setting to paint. As I finished for the day I noticed that another painter had been working almost on the same spot, for on the grass forming the fork in the two roads as seen in my painting, the earlier painter had wiped his palette. The paint was still fresh. When I started back at work with my glass firm a couple of days later, I took in my holiday work to get an opinion from my boss, who was well-known artist William (Jock) Frater. When he saw my Geelong picture he yelled “Christ lad, when did you do that?” I told him and he went into his own room and brought out an almost twin picture, “I was there the day before,” he said.

© Alan Sumner in conversation with Roger Butler, 1993.

Last Updated

27 Sep 2020