Plate 21: Reedy Creek Falls near Beechworth. [by Eugene von Guérard].

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Plate 21: Reedy Creek Falls near Beechworth. [by Eugene von Guérard].


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Plate 21: Reedy Creek Falls near Beechworth.

The Reedy Creek is an intermittent tributary of the Ovens River in the Beechworth district, and the Falls themselves are only to be seen in their full strength and beauty at certain seasons of the year. A similar name has been conferred, for obvious reasons, upon half a dozen other creeks in Victoria. The great charm of this particular cataract consists not so much in its broken flow and fantastic motion, as in the exceptional combination of granite ledges and Alpine vegetation which presents itself here. Accustomed, as the eye is in Victoria, to the ragged forms and dull colour of the indigenous trees to be met with in other parts of the colony, the graceful outline and diversified hues of the pine trees and other conifers which flourish in this neighbourhood, strike the spectator as much by their novelty as by their picturesqueness. The Falls are sufficiently near Beechworth to be within the compass of a pedestrian excursion, and in their immediate vicinity there are points of view from. which a noble prospect is attainable.

Accompanying text, 1868.