Thomas Bock [Obituary].

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Thomas Bock [Obituary].


Author not identified


Hobart Town Courier (Hobart)


19 March 1855, page 3, column 2.

Publication date

19 March 1855





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OUR obituary of to-day contains the name of one who should not be allowed to pass away without notice : we allude to Mr. Thomas Bock, an artist of a very high order. His portraits, painted over a long series of years, comprise several beautiful works of Art, and adorn the homes of a number of our old colonists and citizens. He was a finished scholar, but from his retired habits, and of late years Increasing Infirmities, has been little known out of his more immediate circle of acquaintances. He leaves a widow and a large family, we fear not too well provided for, as Art is not yet sufficiently appreciated in these colonies to enrich professors. A selection of his pictures, comprising, as it would, the portraits of many of our esteemed and venerated colonists, and the graceful and lovely of the females and juvenile portion of our community, in which he was peculiarly happy, would, we are convinced, form an attractive and interesting exhibition, deserving of patronage, as some of his better heads of children would not be unworthy of the name of Lawrence. Mr Bock’s eldest son, a native of this colony, in a large degree his father’s talents, and in every branch of art he has cultivated his productions fairly rank amongst the best that we have seen.

[Hobart Town Courier (Hobart), 22 April 1836, p.2, col.4.]

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03 Oct 2020