Nlle. Hollande, Baie des Chiens-marins, nid gigantesque trouve sur l'ile Dirck-Hatichs. [New Holland, Bay of Sharks, huge nest found on Dirk Hartog Island.]

Title: bNlle. Hollande, Baie des Chiens-marins, nid gigantesque trouve sur l'ile Dirck-Hatichs. [New Holland, Bay of Sharks, huge nest found on Dirk Hartog Island.] | Date: 1825 | Technique: b'engraving, printed in black ink, from one copper plate; hand-coloured at a later date'


Nlle. Hollande, Baie des Chiens-marins, nid gigantesque trouve sur l'ile Dirck-Hatichs. [New Holland, Bay of Sharks, huge nest found on Dirk Hartog Island.]

Date made



engraving, printed in black ink, from one copper plate; hand-coloured at a later date