Browse: M


Murmur: Patsy Payne.

aGOG (29 October 1994 – 6 November 1994)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT).


Murray Cod: The biggest fish in the river.

Multiple venues (2 December 2006 – 27 July 2008)

Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia.

Murray Gill, prints and drawings.

Greenhill Galleries [1]. (2 November 1986 – 27 November 1986)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (WA).

Included prints

Murray Griffin.

Langsam Galleries [2]. (1 September 1972 – 30 September 1972)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Griffin Linocut Prints and Paintings 1925-82.

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Griffin. 12 New Prints.

Murphy Street Print Gallery (13 November 1974 – 29 November 1974)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Griffin. Colour prints

Sedon Galleries [4]. (10 July 1951 – 20 July 1951)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Griffin. Exhibition of Prints and Oil Paintings

Hamilton Art Gallery (6 May 1969 – 19 May 1969)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).

Included prints

Murray Walker

Scott Livesey Galleries. (16 July 2008 – 9 August 2008)

Single-artist exhibition. Located; Australia (VIC).

Painting, Sculpture

Murray Walker.

Argus Gallery (3 December 1963 – 19 December 1963)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).

Included prints

Murray Walker.

Powell Street Gallery (9 February 1985 – 28 February 1985)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Walker 17 New Etchings.

20 Powell Street. (22 April 1974 – 19 May 1974)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Walker [Paintings and Linocuts].

Gallery Eleven (30 May 1971 – 18 June 1971)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (QLD).

Paintings, Prints

Murray Walker Etchings 1974-1979.

Collectors Lithograph. | Collectors Works on Paper Gallery. (28 April 1979 – 19 May 1979)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Walker Graphics.

Tolarno Galleries [1]. (23 September 1970 – 23 September 1970)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


[Murray Walker Graphics, Basil Hadley].

Desborough Galleries. (1 October 1973 – 1 October 1973)

Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (WA).

Included prints

Murray Walker Recent drawings, watercolours, etchings.

Ray Hughes Gallery [1] (6 September 1975 – 1975)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (QLD).

Included prints

Murray Walker Suite of Etchings, "The Seasons" 1963-66.

Powell Street Gallery (21 September 1972 – 7 October 1972)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).


Murray Walker's watercolours, Drawings, Collages and some painted gum leaves.

Solander Gallery [3] (30 September 1983 – 1983)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT).

Included prints

Murray Walker, Recent Paintings and Etchings.

Abraxas (7 May 1975 – 1975)

Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT).

Paintings, Prints