Browse: M
Masterpieces of Australian printmaking.
Josef Lebovic Gallery [4]. (30 April 1987 – 30 May 1987)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Masters in glass, masters in print. Highlights from the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery National Art Glass Collection and Margaret Carnegie Print Collection.
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery [3] (27 May 2011 – 18 September 201)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located; Australia (NSW).
Prints, Glass works
Masters of COFA 2003
Ivan Dougherty Gallery [2]. (4 December 2003 – 20 December 2003)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Masters of COFA 2004
Ivan Dougherty Gallery [2]. (25 November 2004 – 18 December 2004)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Masters of COFA 2005
Ivan Dougherty Gallery [2]. (1 December 2005 – 7 December 2005)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Masters of Printmaking in 19th Century France, 100 Years from Goya to Cezanne.
Stadia Graphics Gallery. (17 August 1985 – 21 September 1985)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Masterworks 1.
Art Gallery of Western Australia. (13 April 1982 – 9 May 1982)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (WA).
Masterworks: Slim Barry.
Helen Maxwell Gallery (16 November 2001 – 16 December 2001)
Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT).
Material Evidence: Jenny Watson Works on fabric 1981 - 2005.
RMIT Gallery (3 May 2007 – 9 June 2007)
Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).
Material Matters: Julia Raath
UTS Gallery (26 May 1999 – 4 June 1999)
single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Material Measure: The changing enviroment of the Central West.
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Material world
Sherman Galleries - Goodhope (14 February 2002 – 9 March 2002)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Included prints
Materials of Art: Painting.
Australian National Gallery (17 November 1984 – 12 May 1984)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT).
Mathieu Gallois art, design & architectural concepts
UTS Gallery (2005 – 2 April 2005)
Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Installations, Photographs
Matisse, linocuts and lithographs.
The Bishops Gallery. (11 June 1977 – 8 July 1977)
Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).
Matisse: Graphic work 1906-1950.
Multiple venues (7 April 1981 – 9 June 1981)
Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (VIC).
Matrix 6.
Megalo Print Studio + Gallery [Watson]. (28 March 2007 – 28 April 2007)
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT).
Matter and memory: Recent paintings and 'Prime number' print folio [by Helen Geier].
Michael Nagy Fine Art [2]. (1 September 2005 – 24 September 2005)
Single-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (NSW).
Matters: An exhibition by Canberra School of Art printmaking graduates, 1991.
Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT).