Jilamara Arts and Crafts..
Jilamara Arts and Crafts..
(1989–) Aboriginal Australian | Organisation
Located: Australia (NT).
Art organisation
Freda Warlapinni (1928–2003)
Red and white vertical stripes, running the full image on a black background
(1999, 24 November)
Freda Warlapinni (1928–2003)
Row of alternative white and yeloow ochre stripes at top - bottom row of red circles surrounded by white dots
(1998, 20 August)
Glen Farmer (1971–)
Seagull (Glen's totem) and Pukmani poles
(1998, July)
etching and sugar-lift aquatint
RED HAND PRINT (1997–2000)
Two red ochre hills with centre square, black motif, stripes radiating out along the horizon, dot infill
(1998, 20 August)