Mr. De Mestre's houses ... [display of prints in Mr. Teggs and Fernyhough and Austin shops]

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Mr. De Mestre's houses ... [display of prints in Mr. Teggs and Fernyhough and Austin shops]


The Sydney Times.


The Sydney Times (Sydney), 22 October 1836, page 2

Publication date

22 October 1836





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Mr. De Mestre's houses which are now completed, form a great improvement to the central part of George-street. The windows of Mr. Tegg, who is the first occupant, are very attractive, and quite remind one of his father's shop in Cheapside, London, by the concourse of gazers perpetually assembled, yet in perpetual change, attracted by the handsome prints and funny caricatures exhibited in the windows. Messrs. Fernyhough and Austin's shop in Bridge-street, is perhaps still more attractive, from the numerous profile likenesses and sketches so admirably executed by the former. His Honor Mr. Justice Burton - Mr. M'QuoiJ - Captain Williams, and some of the Aborigines, are capital and cannot be for an instant mistaken. In an elegant equestrian figure, the artist has been less successful in depicting our brother editor of the Colonist, but the likenesses of the horse and spaniel dog are excellent. 

[The Sydney Times, 22 October 1836, page 2]