Duldig, Karl.

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Duldig, Karl.


Butler, Roger.


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Karl Duldig

Karl Duldig was born in Austria in 1902. During the 1 920s he studied in Vienna, first at the School of Applied Arts and later at the Academy of Fine Arts from which he graduated in 1933. During this period a scholarship allowed him to travel extensively through Europe, visiting London, Paris, Italy and Germany. Duldig fled Europe lust before the outbreak of the Second World War and spent two years in Singapore where, together with his wife, he opened an art school.

In 1940, just before the fall of Singapore, Duldig and other Germans were interned and sent to Australia where he and his family were interned for 12 months. Upon release Duldig joined the Australian army. After the war he took a teaching position at the Mentone Grammar School, Melbourne.

A figurative artist, Duldig played a vital role in translating ideas from Europe to his new surroundings. He particularly valued folk art and tribal art, and the prominent influence of these in his work encouraged the appreciation and practice of non-Western sculpture in Australia. Duldig died in Melbourne in 1986.

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