Local intelligence...lithographed sketch of Adelaide [by John Baptist Austin.]

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Local intelligence...lithographed sketch of Adelaide [by John Baptist Austin.]


South Australian Register.


South Australian Register (Adelaide).


13 December 1849, page 3, column 4.

Publication date

13 December 1849


Publication Review



Country of context


Full text

Local intelligence...lithographed sketch of Adelaide.

We have just seen a lithographed sketch of Adelaide, by an amateur artist, and, as it was taken from the lookout platform of the Clarendon Hotel we presume it may be called a bird’s-eye view. We have so much respect for such exercises of talent, that we regret we can only give qualified praise in this instance. Those that know the precincts will at once admit that the sketch is like, but the distant objects and scenery are very inadequately depicted; whilst the signs of commercial activity, so far and so far between, convey no just idea of the stirring activity of Adelaide. The public buildings and principal structures are dimly shadowed forth, and the architects of Trinity Church are not more flattered by the artist’s pencil than they have been by the tourists who have commented upon their successive labours. Nevertheless, to intending imigrants it will doubtless prove attractive, and we understand a great many copies have been purchased by colonists to send to their friends in Britain.

Published in South Australian Register, 13 December 1849, page 3, column 4.
© Australianprints, 2004.

Last Updated

16 Nov 2023