Jump! Photographers get off the ground

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Jump! Photographers get off the ground


National Gallery Of Australia (23 August 2003 – 2 November 2003)




Multi-artist exhibition. Located: Australia (ACT). Photographs

Country of context



Bouncing on a trampoline, speeding through the air on a snowboard, jumping off the highest platform at the pool, riding the waves, diving out of a plane, bungee-jumping into a ravine: the thrill and appeal of being free from gravity and in a state far from an everyday earth-bound one is undeniable. So too have many photographers been fascinated with working out how to best capture on film the body hurtling through space. This exhibition explores this preoccupation through the work of International and Australian photographers from the 1880s to the present. [Gallery media, 2003]

Last Updated

04 Jul 2012